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Weight Loss (Management)


Weight management is not just about losing weight but also keeping it off. Given our daily social lifestyle engagements, it is a challenge.

For long-term success, you will need to adopt lifestyle changes and programs that integrate your diet and physical activity preference which you can live with.

Our Program will help you develop a long term sustainable weight change and habit. This is through behavior change, exercise and nutrition recommendations. Besides working on specific movement requirements with the larger goal in mind, we will also focus on educating members about their bodies and how to keep fit.

What to expect?


  • Addressing to Fitness Goals and Personal concerns: Identify/Address to personal goals and lifestyle habits.

  • Fitness Assessment: Free Complimentary Body Fat and Fitness level assessment.

Nutritional/dietary recommendations


  • Training Program: A customized Personalized Program backed by the latest exercise science techniques that will suit your physical level and lifestyle.

  • Helping and developing a personal physical active workout schedule which will encourage you to find ways to make physical activity a part of your everyday life.

  • Review: Re-align and assessment of current Fitness and weight management goals. Set new goals to improve on personal physical active ability. This is to avoid reaching or improving a plateau stage.

Experience the benefits of Training with us:


  • Better Weight Management and adjustment to a sustainable lifestyle modification.

  • A time efficient and supervised workout.

  • Knowledge of exercise techniques and change in body shape.

  • Providing with the support, expertise and guidance together with a suitable approach towards your success.

Please fill in your queries below,so to help us to better understand your fitness goals and clarify any concerns.We will get in touch with you.

Name *

Email *



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